Saturday, August 16, 2008

Case: a boy of 11 months with scleroderma

Minhaj, aged 11 months, Male baby was lying stiff on the bed. On first look , I first mistook it as a case of cerebral palsy –spastic quadriplegia.

But his birth history is normal and the spasticity is of 7 months duration and gradually progressing. Both the extremities are markedly affected and the facial muscles are also affected and it could not cry with his full mouth open.

His skin is thick like sclerema but in almost all the body and he has no sign of infection.
Clinically we suspect the case as “Scleroderma’.

We arranged skin biopsy for him. The sample was taken the thigh. The report narrates increased fibrosis and moderate numbers of chronic inflammatory cells around the periappendigeal region in the dermis. The subcutaneous fat is partly replaced by collagen. The overlying epidermis shows no significant changes and concludes that the features are compatible with scleroderma.

Dr. Badrud Doza
Dr. Fahim

Screloderma Foudation