Friday, April 9, 2010

Case: A Posterior Fossa Tumor- ?Cellebellar Astrocytoma

Farzana, a girt 7 years of old of nonconguinous parents from Hathajari, Chiitagong presented with vomiting for 2 months with morning headache, dimness of vision and irritability for 1 month.

On examination , the patient was found irritated , OFC 54 cm, Pulse –rapid, BP –120/80 mmhg, Ant Fontanelle –open (small),pupil dilated and poorly reacting, no neck rigidity or Kerning sign and planter extensor,muscle power –poor, sensory- intact.

CT scan reports Posterior Fossa Tumor likely Astrcytoma with grossly dilated ventricles.

Pt was referred to the Neurosurgey Center for operation and further management.