Sunday, May 18, 2008

Case: Ectodermal dysplasia-anhydrotic type

The mother with worry in her face told me in the outdoor setting that the boy, 10 months old, has no sweating and shoots to high rise of temperature especially in hot environment.

He was normally delivered, breast fed, immunized with normal milestone development, first child of a non-consanguineous parents of a upper middle class family, had no other major illness in the past.
On examination, the child is otherwise healthy, alert, well nourished. But his hair is sparse, scant eyebrow, no eruption of tooth, dry skin, little deformed nail. IQ normal.
His systemic examination reveals normal.
Provisionally we diagnosed the patient as Ectodermal Dysplasia-anhydrotic type

His skin biopsy was done which indicates the absence of epidermis and absence of sweat glands that conforms to the diagnosis.

Badrud Doza

Selected links for ED : 1) National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia

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