Sunday, November 2, 2008

Case: Ewing's Sarcoma with metastsis to the lung in a boy of 7 yrs

Child Abu Bakhr, 7 yrs male child was admitted into our hospital on 24/10/08 with the complaints of cough for 15 days , low gradw fever for the same period and respiratory distress for last 4 days and swollen edematous right leg for 3 months.

On admission, the child was dyspnic , ill-, pulse -100/m, Respiratory rate-30/m, Temparature -99 d f . on auscultation, pt had bilataeral crepitations all over the lung.

On local examination, skin was erythematous,swollen and tender without any discharging sinus or pus point- the child was a previously diagnosed case of Ewing’s Cell Carcinoma of the tibia and histopathological report was suggestive.

The Child received one cycle of chemotherapy and Radiotherpy 3 months back. On admission, CXR was done which showed wooly ball appearance.

The patient is lebelled as Ewing's Sarcoma with Metastasis to the Lung.

badrud doza

Ewing's Sarcoma- Wikipedia

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