Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Congenital leukaemia

A boy of 14 days admitted in the Neonatal ward of our hospital with fever, respiratory distress, rash and abdominal distention.

On close examinatin, the rashes were found to be purpura and ecchymosis; the lung has bilateral crepitations, the abdomen is distended for hepatospenomegaly.

On clinical imprestion it was first thought to be a case of Neonatal Sepsis. The next possibility is Torch Infection.

But the blood count reveals Hb-5.3 gm/dl, TC of WBC -1,600,000 /cmm, 90 of them are blast cells, peripheral blood film study reveals them as lymphoblasts.

So the diagnosis was lebelled as Congenital Acute Lymphobalstic Leukaemia.


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