Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pineocytoma with facial palsy, hemiplegia and hydrocephalus

A boy of one and half years develops Lt sided facial palsy 6 weeks back and gradually developed Lt sided hemiplegia and hydrocephalus. He had no vomiting or convulsion. No history of meningitis or head trauma.

On examination, his facial palsy and the hemiplegia was of upper motor neurone type. There was no bladder or bowel involvement and no sign of meningitis
opthalmoscopic examination shows bilateral papilloedema

On investigation, Hb-9.5 gm/dl, ESR-25mm in 1st hour, TC, DC normal. US shows moderate hydrocephalus. CT scan shows a isodense mass in the pineal region, posterolateral to the third ventricle on the right side,also encroching the thalamsus. Moderate ventriculomegaly due to compression on superior aqueduct

The CT scan impression is likely Pineocytoma .

MRI is requested for further evaluation.

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